SBMA onboard Anuanua Moana research vessel for Moana Mineral’s first expedition
Multibeam survey data collected during the expedition
Moana Minerals recently commenced its exploration programme with a seabed survey of its entire ~22,000 km2 licenced area, a process that took 25 days.
Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA) Senior Officer Knowledge Management, Rima Browne monitored activities as an inspector.
"It's been at least 20 years since a systematic survey of part of our seafloor has taken place, but nothing to this scale and detail has been done before," said Browne.
Activities included mapping of seabed topography (form and shape of the seabed), sub-bottom profiling (reveals structure and possible composition of the uppermost sediment layers), and biomass measurements of midwater organisms (down to 1,000 m deep). As data was received from the ship sensors the data was processed by an expert team of hydrographic surveyors onboard, ensuring quality.
“It’s exciting to see extensive seabed research happening in our waters again. This information can only add value, especially to the Marae Moana marine spatial plan.” continued Browne.
In line with their approved workplan, Moana Minerlas conducted and recorded marine mammal observations. While no whales were seen, a number of individual birds were sighted on different occasions.
As part of its monitoring and compliance framework, SBMA have an Inspectorate. Inspectors monitor seabed minerals activities to ensure licence holders are in compliance with the Seabed Minerals Act 2019 and related rules.
"This trip was a good opportunity to further reinforce the inspector programme’s processes," said Browne, “and is one of the tools SBMA have in place to monitor SBM activities, alongside reporting requirements, vessel monitoring, and compliance audits.”
Moana Minerals are scheduled to head out to sea in May to undertake more research, and again SBMA will assign an inspector onboard the Anuanua Moana vessel.
Data processing of multibeam data onboard the ship
Ship crew deploying a CTD - conductivity, temperature, and depth.
Ship crew doing safety drills during the trip
Captures the sound velocity profile of the water column
Donning of immersion survival suit demo
Queries may be directed to Kaitini Herman: