Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

News & Press Releases


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Aitutaki supports seabed minerals exploration

Last week, a delegation led by Prime Minister Mark Brown visited Aitutaki to carry out consultations on the seabed minerals (SBM) sector. The public expressed generally strong support for the Government’s development of the sector, and the current Exploration Programme underway.

 The consultations are part of Government’s ongoing engagement with Cook Islands communities to ensure they are aware of SBM developments and have an opportunity to share their views.

The delegation included the SBM Authority (Authority) and SBM Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) members. Joining the delegation were licence holder representatives from CIC, CSR and Moana Minerals, who were available to answer the public’s questions on their respective Exploration Programmes. The delegation met with the Aitutaki Island Council, Aronga Mana, RAC and NGO representatives, and also held two public consultations in Arutanga and Vaipae.

Consultations in Vaipae, 1 February 2023

PM Brown provided updates on the Cook Island Exploration Programme, explaining that over the next couple of years there would be research studies undertaken to collect environmental baseline data, which would lead to a better understanding of the potential environmental impacts of minerals harvesting. PM Brown highlighted that during the Exploration phase, there would be other benefits for the country through the use of local goods and services, as well as jobs and training for Cook Islanders.

 PM Brown made clear that no decisions would be made yet on whether to move to the Minerals Harvesting phase, as this will be based on a technical assessment of the information gathered during exploration.

During the consultations, the members of the public were able to share their views, questions and any concerns they had about developments in the SBM sector.

 “There is no doubt in my mind that the Cook Islands Government is taking the right approach with the precautionary approach, we can’t be too careful” said a Tautu resident.

“It’s great to explore and research what’s on our seabed. More to find out and understand what we have and how it may benefit our country. Something we can implement in our teaching and learning in our schools,” shared an Amuri resident.

Members of the public thanked PM Brown for clearly explaining the various phases involved so that all sectors of society could understand. “This is a positive, exciting new era for our country. Please continue consultations and developing our Cook Islands people so they can be leading personnel in this industry” said an Arutanga resident.

 “Te turu pakari nei i teia akakoroanga kia tere ki mua. Akamaroiroi ei meitaki no te Kuki Airani katotatoa” said a Vaipae resident.

 “Overall, I was pleased to receive the support from Araura Enua and to be able to have a conversation about the issues that are of interest and concern as we continue to carefully and cautiously develop our SBM sector” said PM Brown.

Consultations in Arutanga, 31 January 2023

Visiting the Schools

In addition to meeting with the public, the delegation also visited schools, including Araura Primary, Araura College, Apii Vaitau and Tekaaroa Adventist School, ranging from years 5 to year 13.

Presentations were given to students to help them learn more about nodules and the deep-sea environment, and included interactive activities, such as competitions and display samples.

The students and their teachers showed interest in learning more about SBM. The presentations covered the fundamentals of SBM and the metals they contain as well as the marine environment found at these depths of the ocean.

 A clear favourite for students was learning about megalodon sharks and the size of their teeth.

 “It was a great opportunity for us to meet with students and teach them about exciting science subjects like seabed minerals” said Technical Officer Tanga Morris, “There were so many questions to answer.”

Meitaki atupaka to Mayor Tekura Bishop and the Aitutaki Island Council for organising the consultations with the communities.

Continued stakeholder engagement in 2023

The Government, through the Authority, will continue to engage with Cook Islands communities in Rarotonga, the Pa Enua and diaspora.

 “It is great to see our people’s interest in our SBM sector, and to receive their questions and feedback,” said Commissioner Alex Herman, “This is the whole purpose of our consultations: to meet with our people and to hear their views and concerns. It takes a lot of effort, but we are committed to it.”

Queries may be directed to Dede Mingi:

Source by: Seabed Minerals Authority