To mark the arrival of their research vessel, Anuanua Moana, license holder Moana Minerals hosted a blessing and naming ceremony at Avatiu harbour yesterday.
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You can read all the latest news and updates on the Cook Islands seabed minerals sector here.
Last week, a delegation led by Prime Minister Mark Brown visited Aitutaki to carry out consultations on the seabed minerals (SBM) sector. The public expressed generally strong support for the Government’s development of the sector, and the current Exploration Programme underway.
Read MoreAs the New Zealand government moves towards a moratorium on deep sea mining in international waters, Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown claims both governments are actually after the same thing. Matthew Littlewood and Caleb Fotheringham report.
Read MoreThe issue has proved contentious, with various environmental groups, such as Te Ipukarea Society, calling for a moratorium or outright ban on the practice.
Read MoreSBMA Release: Historic in the Cook Islands - The first signing of three SBM exploration licences with companies CIC, CIIC Seabed Resources, and Moana Minerals took place on February 23, 2022.
Read MoreSBMA Release: “This is a historic milestone for our country – the first SBM exploration licences granted by the Cook Islands” said the Minister for Seabed Minerals, Prime Minister Hon Mark Brown.
Read MoreThe non-inclusion of local non-government environmental and social expertise in the recently announced Seabed Minerals Licensing Panel ‘is an obvious gap’, says a local environment group.
Read MoreThe Prime Minister and Minister responsible for Seabed Minerals (SBM), Hon. Mark Brown is pleased to announce the appointment of the SBM Licensing Panel (Licensing Panel). The role of the Licensing Panel is to evaluate applications for exploration licenses and recommend to the Minister whether to grant or decline the applications.
Read MoreCook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown made his opening remarks at a side-event of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (Forum) held from 6 to 15 July.
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