Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

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Joint Media Release MFAI & SBMA: Cook Islands participation at International Seabed Authority's 29th Council and Assembly Sessions

L-R: SBMA Senior Knowledge Management Officer Rima Browne, MFAI Foreign Service Officer Tatryanna Utanga, Assistant Minister Hon. Sonny Williams and SBM Commissioner Alex Herman.

A Cook Islands delegation, led by Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, Honourable Sonny Williams, attended the International Seabed Authority's (ISA) 29th Council and Assembly Sessions, held in Kingston, Jamaica, from 15 July to 2 August. The Commissioner Alex Herman and Senior Knowledge Management Officer Rima Browne from the Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA) attended the Council meetings and were later joined by the Assistant Minister and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Foreign Service Officer, Tatryanna Utanga, for the Assembly.

The Cook Islands and other Pacific Island Nations remain deeply connected to our Moana - Nui - O - Kiva, through our identity, traditions and cultures. It is therefore important for our country to remain engaged at the ISA, as the main intergovernmental body responsible for managing all mineral-resource-related activities in the area beyond national jurisdiction for the benefit of humankind as a whole. In doing so, ISA has the mandate to ensure the effective protection of the marine environment.

Prior to attending the meetings, SBMA conducted a series of extensive consultations across Government to shape a national position on the draft Exploitation Regulations covering topics such as environmental protection, financial mechanisms, and underwater cultural heritage.

As an ISA Member State, Sponsoring State, and developer of seabed minerals, the Cook Islands need to uphold a strong national position as the negotiations on the Regulations progress.

The Cook Islands further elevated our country’s profile by delivering national and joint Pacific statements, engaging in bilateral and regional meetings under the leadership of Honourable Williams and participating in the voting for the new Secretary General of the ISA. Throughout the meetings, Cook Islands continued to engage with the 13 Pacific Nations present towards building a unified and strong regional position, demonstrating the collective Pacific stewardship in advocating for the conservation and sustainable management of the ocean and its resources.

SBMA Commissioner Alex Herman, emphasized the importance of Cook Islands’ participation, “our involvement in the ISA is crucial as it allows us to represent and advocate for the interests of the Cook Islands and in good faith, the broader Pacific region. Engaging in these discussions helps ensure that our priorities, particularly in environmental protection and sustainable development, are reflected in the work of the ISA .”

A special moment signifying another ‘win’ for the Cook Islands was the awarding of grants during the Assembly session to a SBMA-led proposal, Women In Science Expedition (WISE) and a SBMA supported proposal, “A Methodology For Adaptive Management Of Deep-sea Mining Sediment Plumes”. These initiatives reflect our commitment to responsible ocean stewardship and collaborative leadership in addressing global challenges.

Honourable Williams remarked, “This meeting was an excellent opportunity for the Cook Islands to reaffirm our precautionary approach, rooted in scientific evidence and seeks a balanced integration of sustainable development, prioritizing environmental protection. We continue to support the ISA and their work, recognising the vital role of Pacific nations in shaping the ISA agenda, including in particular the draft Regulations.”

The Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Ms Tepaeru Herrmann, takes the opportunity to recognize and thank the exiting Secretary-General, Michael Lodge for his dedication and tireless efforts in advancing ISA mandate throughout his tenure. “As we continue on this important journey, we look ahead with renewed energy and shared purpose under the leadership of the newly appointed Secretary-General, Leticia Reis de Carvalho. The Cook Islands will continue to engage actively, supporting our national and regional interests under the global mandate of the ISA.”

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