The Cook Islands has reached a significant milestone with the first-ever deployment of three deep-sea environmental monitoring mooring arrays north of Aitutaki (figure 1). Conducted under approved exploration licences, this initiative was a joint effort between Moana Minerals Limited (MML) and Cobalt Seabed Resources Limited (CSR).
Read MoreYou can read all the latest news and updates on the Cook Islands seabed minerals sector here.
The Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA) is participating in the State Visit to China from 10-14 February, alongside the Cook Islands Government Delegation. This visit focused on capacity building, research, and scientific collaborations.
Read MoreThe National Environment Service (NES) says it plays a crucial role in assessing and reviewing environmental matters associated with seabed mineral activities.
This includes the administration of applications for environmental consents and permits. In collaboration with the Seabed Mining Authority (SBMA), the NES ensures regulatory oversight and compliance with environmental management and reporting requirements set forth by license conditions and environmental consents or permits.
Read MoreCook Islands Government’s recent consultation tour in New Zealand was a significant success, effectively addressing numerous concerns held by the diaspora regarding seabed mining, says Prime Minister Mark Brown.
Read MorePrime Minister Mark Brown has responded to concerns raised by two environmental groups, Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) and Korero o te Orau, regarding the government’s recent seabed mining consultation in New Zealand.
Read MoreOpposition leader Tina Browne has claimed that the meaning of the word “consultation” is lost on the Government, following a government-led seabed minerals meeting that was held in New Zealand last week.
Read MoreJournalist Rachel Reeves shares insights and revelations from this week’s Deep Sea Symposium hosted by the Cook Islands Centre For Research (Te Puna Vai Marama).
Read MoreAround a hundred local and overseas speakers, ocean lovers, local authorities and government ministers turned up to yesterday’s Deep Sea symposium which provides Cook Islands with more knowledge of deep sea mining.
Read MoreA foreign company has proposed to bring in a robot to harvest the seabed, write Tailia Mika.
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