Cook Islands Seabed Minerals Authority
Runanga Takere Moana

News & Press Releases


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Posts tagged Marine Ecosystem
Landmark Deepsea Environment Moorings Successfully Deployed in the Cook Islands

The Cook Islands has reached a significant milestone with the first-ever deployment of three deep-sea environmental monitoring mooring arrays north of Aitutaki (figure 1). Conducted under approved exploration licences, this initiative was a joint effort between Moana Minerals Limited (MML) and Cobalt Seabed Resources Limited (CSR).

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Letter: Nodules: ‘Our underwater Amazon’

I thank Ms Alex (Herman) for her reply to my previous letter regarding DSM (Deep Sea Mining) or SBM (Sea Bed Mining) which is what some are hoping to do in our EEZ.

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Garment printing campaign raises awareness against deep-sea mining

The upcoming “Sail Out Rally”, calling for a precautionary pause on deep sea mining, is gaining momentum with a “printing for the protection of our ocean” campaign at the Punanga Nui Market.

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Cook Islands deep sea mining poll sparks controversy

An online opinion poll on deep sea mining has been criticised by the government regulator responsible for overseeing seabed minerals activities in the Cook Islands as “fundamentally flawed”.

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SBMA Science Series: The Meg Was Here!

When you think of the deep ocean, you might imagine mysterious creatures, sunken ships, and lost treasures. However, the reality is a bit more surprising—and a lot more cluttered. Shoes, plastic bags, glass bottles, fishing gear, and even entire shipping containers can be found scattered across the ocean floor. One particularly eye-opening discovery was a beer bottle found in the Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the ocean, over 10,000 meters down [1].

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